[ESW] Awesome Events Coming Up

Olivia Kay Steele osteele at purdue.edu
Sun Oct 20 14:06:57 EDT 2013

Hey guys! 

We have some fun stuff planned this week as well as some really cool stuff coming up in the near future. There's also a ton of events on campus this week for Green Week. Put these on your calendars! 

Tomorrow! Oct 20: Rock Climbing at the Co-rec 6:30 PM 
We will meet in front of Freshens inside the co-rec by those comfy seats. No rock climbing experience or equipment required! It's a blast at any level, and I will be right there with you on the beginners courses. 

Also Tomorrow! Oct 20: Green Week/ Capturing Resilience Symposium 
Monday kicks of Green Week and starts the first day of a symposium that will feature topics like smart growth, regenerative agriculture, and resource productivity. Register here . You can choose what events during the two days you want to attend. It's free and some of the things have food! 

Tuesday Oct 21: Green Bus Tour 2-4PM 
Starting at the Armory, the bus takes you around to various stormwater projects that have gone in thanks to the Wabash River Enhancement organization. These are rain gardens, rain barrels, and natural savannah. Go here to reserve a spot. 

Tuesday Oct 21: See Purdue Destroy IU in Volleyball 8:00 PM 
Get your ticket and come hang out with some of us at the volleyball game. Meet outside Armstrong at 7:30 to walk over to the game. I know this is a bad day for several of us at the last meeting, but a couple of the officers are going anyway because come on, it's against IU. 

Monday Oct 28: Next meeting 6:30 P M 
Don't forget! 

Friday Nov 1: Purdue vs. Minnes ota Volleyball 
Get your tickets and come see more volleyball! If you haven't seen Purdue volleyball, it is well worth giving up a Friday night. The games are exciting and, you're not going to believe this, Purdue actually wins! So if the football season is depressing you, come cheer on some awesome Purdue athletes! 

Sat urday Nov 16: Winterization! 
Come participate in this awesome service project! Last year there were somewhere around 800 Purdue students involved! Go here to register and choose Engineers for a Sustainable World as your group. We will eat a delicious breakfast, head out to serve some West Lafayette residents who need help getting their houses ready for winter, and come back for delicious warming lunch. It's so much fun, and, bonus, around five hours of community service if you need that for learning community, class, or other clubs. 

I hope to see you at as many of these as you can! If there is something else you think we should do as a club, let me know, and I'll try to make it happen. 


Olivia Steele 
Community Service and Events Coordinator 
Engineers for a Sustainable World 
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