[ESW] ESW News

egarnier at purdue.edu egarnier at purdue.edu
Fri Aug 30 13:42:05 EDT 2013

Hi guys! 

My name is Olivia Steele, and I'm in charge of events and service projects for ESW. There's a really cool one coming up on Sept. 13. The Wabash River Enhancement Corporation puts on sampling sessions of the Wabash River and Wildcat Creek Watersheds every year. The event will happen from 2:30-5:00 PM, and each team will sample four river sites in that time. All the sampling equipment and information on how to use it will be provided. Check out this website for more information here. 

Please send me a message at osteele at purdue.edu if you're interested or have questions and especially if you can drive for us! The Wabash River Group would be a great way to connect to the green community right here were we live! Let me know as soon as possible! It's coming up fast. 


Olivia Steele 

School of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 
Purdue University 

PS: We'll have our first general meeting Monday Sept 9th! More info coming soon! :) 
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