[ESW] ESW Closing Events for Semester

elkinsb at purdue.edu elkinsb at purdue.edu
Thu Nov 29 20:22:03 EST 2012

Hey everybody!

	I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break. We wanted to give you guys a heads up on things before we wrap it up for the semester. 

To relax a little before dead week, we are having an ESW football game on Sunday from 2 – 4 PM on the rec fields. It will be a warm day, so make sure to come out and have some fun before finals and enjoy one of these last warm days before winter! 

Also, next week we are planning on having an ESW study gathering so that you can work with members who are taking the same classes or get help from those who have already taken the class. We will give you more information on that later in the week. 

There will be no general meetings until next semester. However, we wanted to let everybody know that we will be opening up two leadership positions next semester, Event Coordinator and Community Outreach Coordinator. We are looking for members who are highly motivated and willing to take on the extra commitment. If you are interested in these positions or want to learn more just send me an email with explaining why you are interested and any questions you may have. 

I look forward to seeing everybody on Sunday and good luck on finals!


Branden Elkins
Purdue University
ESW Secretary

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