ESE-faculty-list Alka Tiwari PhD Defense - July 10th

Ledman, Amy L aledman at
Wed Jul 3 16:30:02 EDT 2024

Alka Tiwari - PhD Defense Announcement

Hydrometeorological Impacts of the Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Using Satellite Precipitation Data

Major Professor: Dr. Keith Cherkauer

Wednesday, July 10th at 4:00 PM
ABE 1164

NASA Fellow, Lynn Fellow, Bilsland Fellow
Interdisciplinary Department of Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Tropical Cyclones (TCs) are meteorological monsters causing severe rainfall and flooding. Accurate quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) are vital for understanding TCs, but different sources like satellite, radars, and rain gauges yield varying results. This dissertation evaluates three QPEs: NASA's IMERG, NCEP's Stage IV, and NWS's GCOOP estimates, focusing on their impact on hydrological modeling using Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model. Analyzing eight TCs from 2000-2018, including Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Jeanne, Fay, Beryl, Debby, Irma and Michael, the study finds satellite QPE (IMERG) underpredicts high quantiles but aligns with other sources at lower quantiles. IMERG effectively estimates runoff and evapotranspiration, proving valuable for hydrological studies and flood preparedness in data-scarce regions.

Attached is the defense announcement. Everyone is welcome!


Amy Ledman

Lead Graduate Program Specialist Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs

Ernest C. Young Hall, Rm B40
155 S. Grant St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-5865   f: 765-496-6271

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