ESE-faculty-list Caroline Alukkal PhD Defense - July 8th

Ledman, Amy L aledman at
Mon Jul 1 16:06:06 EDT 2024

Caroline Alukkal - PhD Defense Announcement

Understanding Treatment Process Effects on PFAS in Municipal Wastewater Solids Stream

Major Professor: Dr. Linda Lee

Monday, July 8th at 1:00 PM
LILY 2425

Ecological Sciences and Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are synthetic compounds known for their diverse applications, from everyday products like food wrappers and raincoats to life-saving uses in firefighting foams. However, their pervasive presence in consumer goods leads to their eventual disposal into sewage systems. Recently, PFAS have garnered significant attention due to mounting environmental and health concerns. Unfortunately, conventional wastewater treatment methods struggle to completely eliminate or degrade PFAS, resulting in their accumulation in effluent and biosolids, perpetuating their environmental cycle.

Currently, there is limited understanding of how PFAS behave within the waste stream. To address this gap, there is an urgent need of an optimized method for evaluating PFAS in complicated solid matrices such as biosolids. A new method developed and optimized through this research was used for extracting and analyzing PFAS and the results were utilized to examine how two key wastewater treatment processes affect the transformation of PFAS. This research aims to provide utilities and regulatory bodies with crucial data for informed decision-making regarding treatment processes. Ultimately, this knowledge will facilitate the effective management of PFAS in biosolids, promoting their safe and beneficial utilization.

Everyone is welcome!  Attached is the defense announcement.

Amy Ledman

Lead Graduate Program Specialist - Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs - The Graduate School

Ernest C. Young Hall, Rm B40
155 S. Grant St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-5865   f: 765-496-6271

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