ESE-faculty-list Jamie Klamerus - MS Defense Announcement
Ledman, Amy L
aledman at
Tue Apr 9 13:40:12 EDT 2024
Jamie Klamerus - MS Defense Announcement
Major Professor: Dr. Linda Lee
Tuesday April 16, 2024, at 3:30 PM
Lilly Hall 2-425
Ecological Sciences and Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Abstract: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals known for their persistence in the environment and potential health risks. PFAS are linked to several adverse effects in human and wildlife health. The detection of PFAS in biosolids has raised concerns about their use in agricultural and land application practices. This is because some PFAS are known to enter the food system through plant uptake and others can leach into groundwater. The purpose of this study was to examine the PFAS profile in soils and porewater with depth at an agricultural site with historical biosolids applications. The site selected has received biosolids at agronomic rates for corn for approximately four decades. This study utilized a total of six lysimeters, three each at two and four feet, to monitor PFAS leaching in soil. Five porewater sampling events and three soil cores, taken in one-foot increments before the 3-month study, were analyzed for 54 PFAS and in line with EPA 1633 method. Soil characteristics such as texture, moisture, and total organic carbon (TOC) significantly influence PFAS transport and sorption capacity within the soil profile, impacting PFAS distribution across soil depths. PFAS in the soil profile decreases with increasing depth and exhibits a direct correlation with TOC. In porewater, short-chain PFAS proportionally dominate, with heightened concentrations observed in shallow pores. Soil characteristics act as significant barriers to PFAS leaching from biosolid sites. Less than 0.1% of PFAS leaches from the impacted soil annually, underscoring the importance of understanding PFAS transport dynamics for effective environmental management.
Please see attached flyer for full defense announcement.
Amy Ledman
Lead Graduate Program Specialist - Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs - The Graduate School
Ernest C. Young Hall, Rm B40
155 S. Grant St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-5865 f: 765-496-6271
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