ESE-faculty-list Save the Date for the Spring 2022 ESE Symposium

Ludiker, Keara R kludiker at
Mon Mar 28 12:30:45 EDT 2022

Good afternoon, all,

I am reaching out today on behalf of this year's ESE symposium group, to let you know that their symposium, Branching Out, is set to take place on April 6, 7, and 8th.

Please see the attached flyer for additional details, and register by scanning the QR code.

You can also visit our website<> to register.

We hope you are able to join us (virtually) and sincerely appreciate your support.

Wishing you all the best,

Keara R. Ludiker, M.S.

Graduate Program Specialist - Ecological Sciences and Engineering (ESE)
Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (OIGP) - The Graduate School

Young Hall, Room B-40
155 South Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-0379

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