ESE-faculty-list Summer Registration - Course and Research

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Mon Apr 25 13:02:07 EDT 2022

Hello ESEers,
Below and attached are details that are needed for Summer 2022.

The deadline to register without fees is May 20, 2022 - Please be respectful and do not wait until this date to register.

Registration Instructions

  *   Any holds on your record must be removed before your registration can be entered.

  *   Course Registration:

You may register for courses (not research) on your own using PIN 999999

  *   Research Registration (69800 for Master's or 69900 for Ph.D.):
     *   Fill out the ESE Research Registration Form<> with your advisor and email the completed version to me at ese at<mailto:ese at> .  This form is to make sure that students and advisors agree on clear expectations for satisfactory research each semester.
     *   Once I receive the completed form I will register you for research credits.  I will notify you when your registration is complete so that you can check and make sure it looks accurate.

  *   Registration Requirements:
     *   For full time student status, you must be registered for a minimum of 6 credit hours (maximum of 9) in the summer.
     *   International students and certain fellowship students must be registered at full time level each semester.
  *   Students with assistantships (or fellowships administered as assistantships) must be registered for at least 3 credit hours each semester

  *   If you plan to graduate in August 2022 please let me know.  I will reach out to you at a later date with more information about registering for candidacy.

Remember when you turn in a registration form it needs to be fully completed, this includes: Name, PUID, Subject, Course Number, Credit Hours, CRNs, and signatures (Instructions are below). You are responsible for verifying all schedule changes requested and submitted by you. You are responsible for any inaccuracies that come to light during final grading that could result in a failing grade. You are responsible for any consequences of inaccurate registrations, such as tuition, fees, graduation deadlines, and visa considerations.
Thank you and have a great week!

Christal Musser
The Graduate School - Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
Young Hall, B-40
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-2102<tel:7654942102>
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