ESE-faculty-list FW: [Gradchairs] Compliance on Policy Regarding Expectations for Research Credit

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Wed Jun 2 08:35:52 EDT 2021

FYI Reminder - it is easy to forget (I did!) to do this online step for research credits although most all of us do get the research credit form submitted to ESE or your academic dept contact.

From: gradchairs-bounces at <gradchairs-bounces at> On Behalf Of Barr, Nicole M
Sent: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 3:41 PM
To: gradcontacts at
Cc: gradchairs at
Subject: Re: [Gradchairs] Compliance on Policy Regarding Expectations for Research Credit

Hello Everyone,

I have attached an updated Agreement on Deliverable (AoD) Report for Summer 2021. As of May 28th:

  *   1,304 faculty have not completed the AoD for any of the students registered for research with them for summer (listed in red)
  *   11 have completed the AoD for some students, but still have one or more to do for summer (in orange)
  *   295 faculty have completed the AoD for all of their students (in green)

If you have any questions, please let me know.



From: Barr, Nicole M
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 11:20 AM
To: gradcontacts at<mailto:gradcontacts at>
Subject: Compliance on Policy Regarding Expectations for Research Credit

Hello Everyone,

This is a reminder that faculty listed as the instructor of record for any research courses numbered 59800, 59900, 69800 or 69900, need to communicate (preferably in writing) the minimum expectations for satisfactory completion of the research to each registered student within the first two weeks of the term. Once that communication has happened, the faculty members also need to record completion of this communication through the Research Acknowledgement checkbox in myPurdue by May 28, 2021. The instructions for this process are attached, and have also been posted on the Records- Documents page of the Graduate School Toolkit<> under "General Resources."

I have attached a list of faculty who are currently listed as supervising research for summer, and will share an updated version of this list for your review next week.

Best wishes as we begin a new session,



Nicole Barr
Senior Graduate Records Manager
nbarr at<mailto:nbarr at>
Phone: (765)494-2608
Ernest C. Young Hall (Rm. 178)
155 S. Grant Street - West Lafayette, IN 47907

[The Graduate School_H-Full-RGB]

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