ESE-faculty-list ESE Fall Gathering Tomorrow!

Carmicheal, Deirdre R dnolan at
Fri Nov 6 10:37:15 EST 2020

Good morning ESE Community!

Just a reminder, the ESE Fall Gathering is tomorrow (Saturday, November 7th) at Dr. Lee's house.  (not tomorrow).  Come anytime between 12:00 Noon and 8:00 PM.

A few reminders from Dr. Lee:

*         Just a reminder to wear masks when inside the house

*         Practice regular social distancing outside

*         Use disinfectant that will be present before getting food

*         I have two very verbal dogs- quite loud announcers that someone new has arrived - but they will not hurt you and will settle quickly

*         The pasture fencing is electric so avoid getting an unwanted shock. The bison are very curious animals but if are near sighted so if you move around to quickly when they are near, they will not stay close.

*         There will be a few game stations, lots of sitting spaces and the fire pit will be going with smore's as dessert option.

*         I look forward to see you all tomorrow on a beautiful sunny day!

Details are below and attached.  Please RSVP using this Google Doc<> to help with planning.  Let us know if you have any questions. We hope to see you there!

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D6B428.81A034E0]

Deirdre Carmicheal

Graduate Program Specialist - Ecological Sciences and Engineering<>

Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs<>

Purdue University

Ernest C. Young Hall, Room B-40

155 S. Grant Street

West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-0379    Email: dnolan at<mailto:dnolan at>

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