ESE-faculty-list FW: Relevant Symposia Series on GI

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Fri Jun 19 11:00:18 EDT 2020

See below invite to participate from a previous PU graduate now at ASU.
From: Alysha Helmrich <ahelmric at<mailto:ahelmric at>>
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 10:48 AM
To: Payne Haugen, Lindsey B <paynel at<mailto:paynel at>>
Subject: Relevant Symposia Series on GI

Hi Lindsey--

My research network, Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network, had a subset of students and professors, including myself, working on a virtual workshop regarding green infrastructure and social-ecological-technological systems. We have been slow to get the call out due to the rightful turmoil the country has been in. Could you potentially share the following call with your network--whether Purdue, WREC, or Go Greener? Thank you, and I hope you are doing well.

Calling all Early Career scientists, students, and practitioners interested in understanding and exploring the dynamic and interconnected social, ecological, and technological (SET) elements of Green Infrastructure (GI). The UREx SRN is now accepting applications for an interactive series of symposia, Get Ready, Get SETS: GI!

Over the course of four virtual symposiums hosted by the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network<> and The CLEO Institute<>, participants will explore how the social-ecological-technological systems (SETS) framework can guide green infrastructure (GI) project implementation in a complex and uncertain climate future through tools such as small and large group discussions, problem-based learning, case studies, virtual tours, and keynotes.

While this symposia series addresses many different complexities, we acknowledge that infrastructure is inextricably linked with systemic racism, making our science complicit in the ongoing violence inflicted on Black Lives in the US. We intend to use this symposia series to build new working relations together that support ongoing struggles for justice, as we hold social complexities together with technological and ecological considerations (see our website for more information).

Ultimately, this symposia series is an opportunity to learn from your peers - each participant will have the opportunity to provide their own insights and expertise on green infrastructure, the new climate normal, and SETS Framework, as well as network with a diverse group of individuals with similar interests.

Applications will be considered starting June 15th and will be accepted on a rolling basis after that. Participants will be alerted on their application status by June 29th.

More information at<>.

Best regards,

Alysha Helmrich, PhD Candidate
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
UREx Sustainability Research Network Fellow
Email: ahelmric at<mailto:ahelmric at>

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