ESE-faculty-list Nominations for ESE Student Awards Due Wednesday

Carmicheal, Deirdre R dnolan at
Thu Apr 9 09:00:11 EDT 2020

Good morning ESE Faculty!

Just a reminder we are now accepting nominations for ESE student awards.  Thank you to those who have already submitted a nomination.  If you have an outstanding ESE student please consider nominating them for one of the following awards by Wednesday, April 15th.

-          ESE Outstanding Graduate Student in Teaching Award:
o   Complete the ESE Teaching Award Nomination Form<> by Wednesday, April 15th
o   The winner of this award will receive a plaque and a cash award of $350

-          ESE Outstanding Graduate Student in Research Award:
o   Complete the ESE Research Award Nomination Form<> by Wednesday, April 15th
o   The winner of this award will receive a plaque and a cash award of $350

Nominees will be reviewed by ESE faculty reviewers.  You can find more information on our website<>. All nominations are due by Wednesday, April 15th.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you and happy nominating!

Deirdre Carmicheal
Graduate Program Specialist - Ecological Sciences and Engineering<>

Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs<>
Purdue University
Ernest C. Young Hall, Room B-40
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-0379    Email: dnolan at<mailto:dnolan at>

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