ESE-faculty-list FW: [Gradcontacts] Compliance with Policy on Expectations for Research Credit

Carmicheal, Deirdre R dnolan at
Tue Aug 13 10:16:00 EDT 2019

Good morning ESE Faculty,

I hope you all had a wonderful summer! I'm just sharing the email below from Dr. Mohler.  All faculty will be required to confirm in myPurdue that they have discussed and written research expectations for any graduate students they are supervising.  If a faculty member does not complete this confirmation in myPurdue, they may be jeopardizing any rights they have if a student were to pursue a grade appeal relative to research courses not in compliance with the policy.

Thank you,

Deirdre Carmicheal
Graduate Program Specialist - Ecological Sciences and Engineering<>

Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs<>
Purdue University
Ernest C. Young Hall, Room B-40
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-0379    Email: dnolan at<mailto:dnolan at>

From: gradcontacts-bounces at <gradcontacts-bounces at> On Behalf Of Mohler, James L
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 1:43 PM
To: 'gemem at' <gemem at>; 'gradheads at' <gradheads at>; 'grad department contacts' <gradcontacts at>
Subject: [Gradcontacts] Compliance with Policy on Expectations for Research Credit

Dear Colleagues,

In the fall of 2017, the Graduate Council passed a policy requiring that faculty and students agree upon a written set of minimum expectations for research credit (See section A, para 5).

To ensure compliance with this requirement, faculty are now required to affirm compliance in myPurdue. Attached is a PDF that documents how faculty confirm that they have come to Agreement on Deliverables for Research Credit.

Faculty will receive an email reminding them that they must confirm compliance on all students enrolled in research credit with them. Faculty will receive an email at the beginning of the second week if they have not checked off compliance. If faculty do not perform the checkoff in myPurdue by the beginning of the third week, students will remain enrolled in research credits, but faculty may be jeopardizing any rights they have if a student were to pursue a grade appeal relative to research courses not in compliance with the policy.

While I believe Dean Mason will be sharing this with faculty in a welcome back email, please distribute this to all faculty and staff involved in graduate education.

If you have any questions, please email me privately at jlmohler at<mailto:jlmohler at>.


James L. Mohler, Ph.D.
jlmohler at<mailto:jlmohler at>
researchintegrity at<mailto:researchintegrity at>

Admin: Devona Gangwer
O: 765.494-0245
gangwerd at<mailto:gangwerd at>
Research Integrity Officer
Office of the Provost
610 Purdue Mall, HOVD Rm. 331
O: 765.496.3844
F: 765.496.2031

Associate Dean
Graduate School
155 S. Grant St., YONG Rm. 170
O: 765.496.6071
F: 765.494.0136
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA 47907

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