ESE-faculty-list Seminar Friday Dec. 1st

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Thu Nov 30 10:09:20 EST 2017

Dear colleagues,

Dr Kennedy (from ND) will come and talk about "Boulder Transport by Storm and Tsunami Waves" (see flyer attached). Seminar to be held in HAMP 3153 at 2:30pm, Fri Dec 01. Please distribute to colleagues and interested grad students.

Also, if you would like to meet with the speaker, he is available from 1 to start of seminar. Let me know.

Antoine Aubeneau
Assistant Professor of Hydraulic and Hydrologic Engineering
Purdue University


Lyles School of Civil Engineering,
550 Stadium Mall Drive,
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
United States
office: Hampton Hall, 1101J
phone: 773 727 0079
email: aubeneau at<mailto:aubeneau at>

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