ESE-faculty-list Megan Scott MS Defense Announcement - Updated

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Wed Nov 8 13:26:12 EST 2017

I fixed my spelling error, my mistake.  The correct information is below.

Thanks, Christal

Megan Scott - MS Defense Announcement

Responses of Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition and Rainfall Variability in Tallgrass Prairie

Major Professor: Dr. Jeff Dukes

Friday, Nov. 17, 2017

10:00 AM                 PFEN 120

Ecological Sciences and Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
Forestry and Natural Resources

Everyone is Welcome!

Christal Musser
Interdisciplinary Student Services Manager
Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
The Purdue University Graduate School | Purdue University
Ernest C. Young Hall, Room B-40 | 155 S. Grant Street | West Lafayette, IN 47907
Email: musser at<mailto:musser at> | Web:<>
Phone: 765-494-2102 | Fax: 765-496-6271
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