ESE-faculty-list ABE 591 Water Technology and Society Graduate/Undergraduate course taugh in the Fall of 2017

Bralts, Vincent F bralts at
Wed Jul 26 16:14:10 EDT 2017

PWC Members, Graduate Students and Faculty:

      Please consider the attached course, ABE 591 Water, Technology and Society (3-credits) to be taught in the fall semester 2017.    The course is for advance undergraduate and graduate students interested in water issues related to engineering, agriculture, food and environmental resources.   Students from all disciplines are welcome since the issues discussed are multi-disciplinary.

       This course will be taught on Tuesday and Thursdays from 12:00 - 1:15 pm in ABE 301.    Please see the attached announcement for the course description and proposed topics.    I would appreciate it if you would share this announcement with your advisees and graduate students who are interested in the topic of Water.

        If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at bralts at<mailto:bralts at>.


Vincent F. Bralts
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2093

Ph:  765 494 1177
Fax:  765 496 1115<>

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