ESE-faculty-list Requesting Your Input for the Keystone Series

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Mon Oct 17 17:58:44 EDT 2016

Your input being request for the 2017 Keystone Series - Thank you!
At the link below is a brief description (also provided below the link) of the purpose of the Keystone Series followed by just 2 questions (What is your suggested topic (s) that you would be excited to engage in discussion with a broader community? Followed by a request for brief statement as to why.)

Background: The Keystone Series is a discussion-based series to address pressing, complex, current events in an interdisciplinary forum where diverse ideas and perspectives can be exchanged freely, without judgment or fear of non-conformity to the dominant bias.  The main event involves a panel of invited guests that typically represent various dimensions of the targeted topic including at least economics, environmental, social, policy, and media. Behind the scenes, students and faculty explore literature across physical and social science disciplines to inform and instigate discussion resulting in a series of questions that will guide selection of a panel and the basis for the panel event. Ultimately, the goal is to create a venue that engages students and faculty across campus as well as the broader public.
Previous topics: Keystone Pipeline XL; High volume gas extraction; and GMOs

Linda S. Lee
B480 Lilly Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907; Office: (765) 494-8612; Cell (765) 414-3086; lslee at<mailto:lslee at>
Purdue University Dept. of Agronomy, Professor of Environmental Chemistry & Associate Head
Interdisciplinary Ecological Science & Engineering (ESE) Graduate Program, Program Head,<>
Division of Environmental Ecological Engineering, Faculty Affiliate

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