ESE-faculty-list ESE ONLY - 3 Minute Thesis
Musser, Christal A.
cmeinder at
Fri Mar 25 18:35:01 EDT 2016
Reminder -
Submit your name, major professor’s name and your 1 slide (does not have to be final slide) to me by Monday, March 28that 10:00 AM.
I extended the deadline over the weekend.
Looking forward to hearing about your research.
ESE Faculty – Encourage your ESE students to participate.
Thank you, Christal
ESE ONLY - 3 Minute Thesis
I’m organizing a 3MT competition for ESE students only. The 1st place winner will represent Ecological Sciences and Engineering on April 22nd at the What is Social Justice?<> event. (Note: Your 3MTdoesn‘t have to be related to social justice.)
Timeline for the ESE 3MT
Friday, March 25th – Submit your name, major professor’s name and your 1 slide to ese at<mailto:ese at>
Monday, March 28th – Applicants will receive confirmation to present their 3MT.
Tuesday, March 29th, 5:00 PM – Submit your Final Slide to ese at<mailto:ese at>
Thursday, March 31st, 5:30 PM – Presentation in LILLY 2-425
Prize Money will be awarded
$150 – 1st place
$100 – 2nd Place
$50 – Audience Choice
We are following the same guidelines as the IGP 3MT. There also is prize money if you would place in that competition too. See link below for details on the April 22nd – IGP 3MT.
Guidelines for the IGP 3 Minute Thesis
Home Page of the Social Justice Seminar Series
Let me know if you have questions.
All the best,
Christal Musser
Interdisciplinary Student Services Manager
Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
The Purdue University Graduate School | Purdue University
Ernest C. Young Hall, Room B-40 | 155 S. Grant Street | West Lafayette, IN 47907
Email: musser at<mailto:musser at> | Web:<>
Phone: 765-494-2102<tel:765-494-2102> | Fax: 765-496-6271<tel:765-496-6271>
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