ESE-faculty-list Wed. Sept 8 raining on Proper Use of Publicly Available R-based Models for Kinetic Evaluations (Thurs. Sept 9 - Individual Meeting times)

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Thu Sep 3 14:24:51 EDT 2015

See attached or below. Please let me know your interest ASAP given the short notice.
Group Training Presentation Times and Places
Sept 9, Wed. 9-10am CAKE Model in B367 Lilly Hall
Sept. 9, 11:30-12:30 KINGUii Model in B367 Lilly Hall

Wed-Thurs September 9-10, 2015
Training on Proper Use of Publicly Available R-based Models for Kinetic Evaluations
(e.g., fitting data for multi-step transformation kinetics to attain various types of rates, etc.)

By Dr. Mark Russell

[cid:image003.jpg at 01D0E654.45553DC0]Dr. Russell will make 2 Wednesday training presentations on two different publicly available models separate presents followed by Q&A and ne on one time with graduate students who may have some current or past data they want to model with either or both of the models that will be presented. See below for presentation times and places. Attendance will be limited so PLEASE email me if you plan to attend. ALSO, please email me (LSLEE at PURDUE.EDU) if you want individual time with Dr. Russell. On Wed afternoon or some time on Thursday.
Dr. Russell is a Purdue alumnus (BS ChE 1976 and PhD ChE in 1980) and now a Technical Fellow in the Toxicology and Risk Assessment group of The Chemours Company, a newly formed organization with business units of Titanium Technologies, Fluoroproducts and Chemical Solutions.  Prior to Chemours, Dr. Russell worked for 33 years with DuPont in the areas of pharmacokinetic and environmental modeling and risk assessment for both fluorochemicals and crop protection products.
As a graduate student at Purdue, Dr. Russell 's graduate studies focused on developing energy efficient alternatives to corn wet milling in the production of starch and syrups as a part of a DOE-sponsored program in the Laboratory for Renewable Resource Engineering (LORRE) directed by Prof. George Tsao.

Group Training Presentation Times and Places
Sept 9, Wed. 9-10am CAKE Model in B367 Lilly Hall
Sept. 9, 11:30-12:30 KINGUii Model in B367 Lilly Hall

Linda S. Lee
Purdue University, Department of Agronomy, Professor of Environmental Chemistry, Associate Head
Ecological Science & Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Program Head,<>
Division of Environmental Ecological Engineering, Affiliated Faculty
B480 Lilly Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907; Office: (765) 494-8612; Cell (765) 414-3086; lslee at<mailto:lslee at>

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