ESE-faculty-list 2015 Symposium - Need your Input by Friday, 13th

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Tue Mar 10 16:06:12 EDT 2015

Hello ESE Faculty,

We are the co-chairs for the 2015 Symposium, and are reaching out to all current faculty of ESE for input on how to best structure this event.  The theme of the 2015 Symposium, which will be held in the upcoming fall semester, will be inequality in complex systems.  We are interested in focusing on drivers, mechanisms, consequences, and solutions of inequality.  Our intent is to be as inclusive as possible to maintain the interdisciplinary approach of the ESE program.  We would like to consider different aspects of inequality, including, but not limited to, technology, natural resources, social capital, wealth, economics/markets, human rights, and ecological impacts.

With this theme in mind, do you think that you, or your students, have any past or ongoing research interests/projects that would apply to this theme?  If so, how would you see yourself, or your students, contributing and participating in this event (presenting research, guest lecturing, serving on a discussion panel, etc.)?

If you feel that this topic is not relevant to your research/current interests please let us know why. This way, we can attempt to structure the symposium to be more inclusive and appealing to a larger audience.

Please reply to either Zach or Charlotte at zreaver at<mailto:zreaver at> or lee1876 at<mailto:lee1876 at>, respectively by Friday, March 13th.  This will give time for the co-chairs to compile insights and suggestions to present to our cohort at our next meeting.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Zachary Reaver, Co-Chair
Charlotte Lee, Co-Chair

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