ESE-faculty-list FW: Ceres Trust 2015 Organic Research Initiative Request for Applications- June 1-September 25, 2015

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Mon Jun 1 08:35:42 EDT 2015

Please post or circulate the following announcement:

Ceres Trust, a privately administered charitable trust based in the Midwest, announces that our Request for Applications opens June 1 for the 2015 Organic Research Initiative (ORI) grant program.

Grants of up to $60,000 per year for up to three years will be awarded. The Trust anticipates that up to ten grants will be made to universities, tribal colleges, and other nonprofit applicants in the North Central Region. Applicants must be based in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, or Wisconsin to be eligible.

Applications must be entered on the Ceres Trust website and mailed or sent by Federal Express or similar delivery service on or before September 25, 2015.

To view the RFA, visit:

Applicants may apply directly online or download the application, fill it out, and upload it to our online grant management system. All necessary attachments must be uploaded and submitted for applications to be considered. All applicants must also submit six paper copies of their complete applications to: Ceres Trust, PMB 125, 479 Mankato Avenue, Winona, MN 55987.

Requests for information should be emailed to: riddle at<mailto:riddle at>

Special Note:

Ceres Trust has populated our on-line field day calendar with numerous organic research and demonstration events at:

To add an event, contact Julie Bessent - bessent at cerestrust.or<mailto:bessent at>

Jim Riddle, Coordinator
Organic Research Grant Programs
Ceres Trust<>
PMB 125
479 Mankato Avenue
Winona, MN 55987
507-454-8310 - office
507-429-7959 - cell
riddle at<mailto:riddle at>

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