ESE-faculty-list FW: ese-student-list ESE Symposium - Registration OPEN and Call for POSTERS and 3MT

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Mon Aug 31 11:21:15 EDT 2015

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ESE Symposium Registration is now OPEN -

Call for Posters -
-Thursday, September 17 - Abstract submission (Poster Registration) closes.
-Thursday, September 17 - All Applicants will be notified of their acceptance.
-Monday, September 21, 10:00-12:20PM - Presentation of the posters-PMU South Ballroom

Call for 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition -
- Mon, September 14th, 11:59 PM - Registration for 3 Minute Thesis closes.
- Wed, September 16th - Top 10 applicants determined through pre-judging, which may include live presentations.
- Fri, September 18th - Competitors must send their finalized slide (.pptx format) to ese3mt at<mailto:ese3mt at>.
- Mon, September 21st, 3:45 PM - Presentations of the Finalists in PMU North Ballroom.

Cash Prizes for both the Poster and 3MT Completion.
These are the FINAL Deadlines!
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Visit the website for completed details.  Let us know if you have questions.

Christal Musser
Interdisciplinary Student Services Manager
Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
The Purdue University Graduate School | Purdue University
Ernest C. Young Hall, Room B-40 | 155 S. Grant Street | West Lafayette, IN 47907
Email: musser at<mailto:musser at> | Web:<>
Phone: 765-494-2102 | Fax: 765-496-6271
Like us on Facebook<!/ESEatPurdue>

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