ESE-faculty-list FW: Academic vacancies at Engineeroxy

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Fri Aug 28 08:20:13 EDT 2015


  *   PhD Scholarship in Fundamental Study of the Breakage of Gibbsite and Smelter Grade Alumina The University of Queensland<>
  *   Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mechanical and Mineral Engineering The University of Queensland<>
  *   Senior Lecturer in Architecture The University of Queensland<>
  *   Lecturer in Architecture The University of Queensland<>
  *   Senior Lecturer in Design and Practice The University of Queensland<>
  *   PhD Scholarships in Civil and Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland<>
  *   Professor and Head of School of Architecture and Design University of Tasmania<$APP.draw_attachments?P_VACANCY_REF_NO=15267&P_CALLER_URL=WK8127ZZDOLLARZZAPP.QueryListZZQMARKZZZ_ORDER_BY=1>
  *   Associate Professor/Professor in Civil Engineering James Cook University<$VAC.QueryView?P_VACANCY_REF_NO=15259>
  *   Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Queensland University of Technology<>
  *   Postdoctoral Research Associate in Architecture The University of Sydney<>
  *   Professor Civil Engineering RMIT University<>


  *   Manufacturing of Integrated, Smart Products based on Hybrid Processes KU Leuven<,a967.html> NEW!
  *   Additive Manufacturing KU Leuven<,a966.html> NEW!
  *   Research professorship in multidisciplinary design optimization in architectural engineering KU Leuven<,a953.html> NEW!
  *   Research professorship in sustainable materials processing Department of Materials Engineering KU Leuven<,a850.html> NEW!


  *   Assistant or Associate Professor in the field of transport in porous media Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo<,a969.html> NEW!
  *   Assistant or Associate Professor Process Systems Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo<,a968.html> NEW!
  *   Assistant/Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Carleton University<,a965.html> NEW!
  *   Chemical Engineering Professor Chemical Engineering Department Polytechnique Montréal<,a964.html> NEW!
  *   Probationary (tenure-track) appointment in the area of Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Western University, London, Ontario<,a960.html> NEW!
  *   Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Geological Engineering University of British Columbia<,a904.html> NEW!
  *   Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Photonics Department of engineering physics Polytechnique Montréal<,a851.html> NEW!
  *   Cisco Systems Research Chair University of Saskatchewan<,a816.html> NEW!
  *   Endowed Chair in Computer Systems University of British Columbia<,a1605.html> NEW!


  *   Dean of Science, Dean of Engineering, Dean of Life and Health Science The South University of Science and Technology (SUSTC)<,a1781.html> NEW!


  *   Professor of Sustainability Science (tenure track) Lappeenranta University of Technology Finland<,a976.html> NEW!

Hong Kong

  *   Professor in Product and Process Design (Robotics) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University<,a962.html> NEW!
  *   Associate Professor in Engineering Management (Aviation Management) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University<,a961.html> NEW!
  *   Associate Professor in Engineering Management The Hong Kong Polytechnic University<,a815.html> NEW!
  *   Professor in Product and Process Design The Hong Kong Polytechnic University<,a814.html> NEW!


  *   Postdoc recruitment in Computer Science and Electronic and Electrical Engineering CONNECT, Trinity College of Dublin, Ireland<,a1028.html> NEW!


  *   Ph.D. student emplyment in quantum optics/quantum information KTH Royal Institute of Technology<>
  *   PhD student position in Networked Systems Security KTH Royal Institute of Technology<>

United Kingdom

  *   PhD Studentship with Centre for Doctoral Training in Embedded Intelligence Loughborough University<,a959.html> NEW!
  *   Professor and Head of the Department of Engineering and Design<,a882.html> NEW!
  *   Marie Curie Trainee (Early Stage Researcher): Integrated photonics for millimetre wave transmitter and receivers University College London<>
  *   Research Associate in Planning and Scheduling under Uncertainty for the Process Industry University College London<>
  *   Professor in Petroleum / Reservoir Engineering University of Manchester<>
  *   PhD Studentship: Control of turbulent fluids University of Southampton<>
  *   PhD Studentship in Aerodynamics of high-speed train and bridge system in gusts University of Southampton<>
  *   PhD Studentship: Aerodynamic modelling of a hig! h-speed train/bridge system University of Southampton<>
  *   PhD Studentship in Manipulation of wall-turbulence using arrays of synthetic jets University of Southampton<>
  *   PhD Studentship: Large-scale production of nanomaterials using a continuous-flow reactor for energy saving glazing University of Southampton<>
  *   Research Assistant/Associate in Business and Design Process Modelling University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Assistant/Associate in High Speed Compact Compressors University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Assistant/Associate in Diamond Power Devices University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Associate in Composites based on Gra! phene and Related Materials University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Associate in Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Associate in Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Associate in Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Assistant/Associate in Design for Additive Manufacturing University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Assistant/Associate in Ultra-fast MRI studies of biopharmaceutical lyophilisation processes University of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Assistant: Cell Biology in Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Unive! rsity of Cambridge<>
  *   Research Associate/Fellow in Deterministic Turbulence University of Nottingham<>
  *   Research Associate/Fellow in Durable Passive Icephobic Coatings University of Nottingham<>
  *   Manufacturing Engineering Doctorate Studentships University of Nottingham<>
  *   PhD Research Studentship in Chemical & Environmental Engineering University of Nottingham<>
  *   Industrial Doctorate University of Nottingham<>

United States

  *   Faculty Position Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering Washington University in St. Louis<,a1029.html> NEW!
  *   Assistant Professor and Lecturer Positions in Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering UMBC United States<,a1027.html> NEW!
  *   Full-time, temporary faculty position in Computer Science Department of Computer Science at Southern Connecticut State University<,a1637.html> NEW!
  *   Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering University of South Alabama<>
  *   Postdoctoral Scholar in Nuclear Science and Security Consortium Univers! ity of California Berkeley<>
  *   Postdoctoral Scholar in Nuclear Science and Security Consortium University of California<>
  *   Lecturer in Design Studios in Architecture University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in Non-Studio Classes University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in City and Regional Planning University of California Berkeley<>
  *   L! ecturer in Materials Processing, Structure, Properties of Characterization University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer - Materials Processing, Structure, Properties of Characterization University of California<>
  *   Lecturer in Department of Bioengineering University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in Nuclear Engineering University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in Nuclear Engineering University of California<>
  *   Lecturer in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering University of California<>
  *   Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Lecturer in Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Assistant/Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design University of California Berkeley<>
  *   Non-Tenure Track in Chemical Engineering The University of Texas<>
  *   Lecturer in Civil Engineering The University of Texas<>
  *   Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics The University of Texas<>
  *   Tenure or Tenure Track Position in Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering University of Pennsylvania<>

and many more at<>

To learn more about these and other job vacancies, we invite you to visit our website<> and/or to "register<,d8.html>" and/or to "contact us<,d19.html>".

Interested to post your job vacancy? Attract the attention of our academic audience of more than 460.000 professors, lecturers, researchers, scientists and academic managers who are at present employed in top ranked engineering and technology schools worldwide and who receive our specialised newsletters twice a month. "post your job vacancy on Engineeroxy<,d11.html>" and/or to "contact us<,d19.html>".

Yours faithfully

Alexander Horn PhD

Your Academic Vacancies in Schools of Engineering and Technology
Europe - Asia - The Americas - Oceania - The Middle East - Africa
engineeroxy at<mailto:engineeroxy at><>
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