ESE-faculty-list REMINDER Upcoming seminar "Urine Nutrient Recovery" April 27th @ 6:30 pm - HAMP 1144

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Mon Apr 27 10:21:40 EDT 2015

Human urine comprises the majority of nitrogen and phosphorus in most municipal wastewaters.  Current practices for management of human urine involve dilution in (what was previously) potable water, followed by treatment to remove N and P prior to disposal.  This practice results in contamination of potable water, considerable expense associated with treatment, and failure to recover N and P, both of which have value as constituents of fertilizer.

With these facts in mind, a group of EEE students has been investigating the potential to separate human urine from wastewater, thereby allowing reductions in water use and facilitating recovery of nutrients.  These students will present the findings of their work, which indicate that this process could be applied at Purdue in a manner that results in conversion of a "waste" material into marketable product, while at the same time reducing costs associated with treatment.

You are invited to attend this seminar, as described on the attached flyer.  We hope to see you there!


Chip Blatchley


Ernest (Chip) R. Blatchley III, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, F. ASCE

Professor, School of Civil Engineering and

Division of Environmental & Ecological Engineering

Purdue University

550 Stadium Mall Drive

West Lafayette, IN  47907



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