ESE-faculty-list ESE Sympsoium - Poster and 3MT Deadline - FRIDAY, OCT. 10th

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Thu Oct 9 13:41:36 EDT 2014

FINAL REMINDER - Deadline - Friday, October 10, 2014 (tomorrow) for Poster and 3MT Registration.

Keynote Speakers -
Dr. Andrew Rosenberg - Dr. Andrew Rosenberg is leader on the forefront of effective science communication. He is the director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists; as director, Dr. Rosenberg draws from over 25 years of experience in academia, policy, and government.

Joel Sartore - Joel Sartore is a photographer, speaker, author, teacher, conservationist, National Geographic Fellow, and a regular contributor to National Geographic Magazine. His hallmarks are a sense of humor and a Midwestern work ethic. Co-Sponsored by Office of University Sustainability (OUS) and Center for the Environment (C4E)

Visit the speaker page <> for more details.

Poster Session Callout - Register here -
Cash prizes for both 1st - $300 and 2nd - $150 in Graduate and Undergraduate posters.   Audience Choice Awards - $100

3 Minute Thesis Competition - Register here -
Cash prizes for 1st place - $500, 2nd place - $250 and Audience Choice Awards - $250

2014 ESE Symposium
# SCIENCE: Effective Interdisciplinary Communication
Monday, October 20, 2014

Thank you,
Christal Musser
Program Coordinator
Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
The Purdue University Graduate School | Purdue University
Ernest C. Young Hall, Room B-40 | 155 S. Grant Street | West Lafayette, IN 47907
Email: musser at<mailto:musser at> | Web:<>
Phone: 765-494-2102 | Fax: 765-496-6271
Like us on Facebook<!/ESEatPurdue>

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