ESE-faculty-list C4E/ PWC Interactive Seminar 12/3 at 4pm in PFEN 120: The importance of connectivity and diversity in complex wetland landscapes

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Thu Nov 20 13:51:30 EST 2014

Save the Date:  Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 -  4-5pm in 120 PFEN

C4E and PWC Interactive Seminar:

The importance of connectivity and diversity in complex wetland landscapes

Three speakers will briefly talk about the importance of connectivity and diversity from their perspective and then we'll open up for a discussion and question session.


Nancy Emery, Biological Sciences, will focus on plants;

Jason Hoverman, Forestry and Natural Resources, will focus on animals;

Suresh Rao, Civil Engineering, will focus on hydrology.

Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Location: Room PFEN 120 -

then on to 9 Irish Brothers at 5:00pm

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