ESE-faculty-list FW: Environmental Engineering Seminar-Title: Assessment of Water Use and Reuse in the Wabash Watershed, Julia Wiener, 2:30pm, Nov.05, hamp1113

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Thu Oct 31 14:34:21 EDT 2013

Dear all, 

You are cordially invited to the Environmental Engineering Seminar Series. 

Speaker: Julia Wiener 
Title: Assessment of Water Use and Reuse in the Wabash Watershed. Tuesday, Nov.5, 2:30p.m, HAMP1113 

Attached please find the flyer including the abstract and Julia's bio. 

Ming Chen 
Purdue University 
School of Civil engineering 
550 Stadium Mall Drive 
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051, USA 
phone: (765)-637-8318 
email: mingchen0312 at ; chen1185 at 
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