ESE-faculty-list FW: "Here Today, Here Tomorrow?" Yvette Perullo MFA Exhibition

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Mon Nov 4 15:58:05 EST 2013

Communication designers develop printed materials, design artifacts, impact people and culture, and shape environments. All too often, these forms result in an unsustainable cycle of production and consumption. This cycle has far-reaching effects that are connected and cumulative.

Yvette Perullo believes that 'good design' values people, the environment, and improves lives. Her research considers how communication designers can create positive social change, cultural well-being, a healthy economy, and a thriving planet. Emphasis is placed on communication design education as a catalyst for positive change by designing methods to incorporate "sustainable systems thinking" into design curricula. As a designer committed to sustainability she believes that sustainable systems thinking should become a part of designer's thinking process in the education stage.

"Here Today, Here Tomorrow?" explores how to lead this fundamental change in education so that the designers of tomorrow will have the knowledge and the power to design responsibly.

You should come to the talk or the reception if your schedule allows - you could meet and talk to some of the design faculty.

Yvette Perullo
Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Visual and Performing Arts
Department of Art and Design
Purdue University
yperullo at<mailto:yperullo at>

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