ESE-faculty-list FYI: Post Doc openings
Lee, Linda S
lslee at
Thu Jun 13 15:15:16 EDT 2013
Postdoc Openings:
1. Postdoc opening on Sustainable Manufacturing
* Ph.D. in Mechanical/Industrial/Civil Engineering or any related field.
* Researchl experience on sustainable manufacturing and energy efficiency
* Practical working experience in manufacturing industry is strongly preferred
* A detail-orientated and highly-motivated person
2. Postdoc opening on Life Cycle Assessment
* Ph.D. in Environmental/Industrial/Mechanical Engineering or any related field.
* Research experience on Life Cycle Assessment method (both process-based and input-output LCA).
* In-depth knowledge on environmental modeling and degradation of pollutants in environmental media.
* Strong statistical and mathematical skills in numerical modeling and analysis.
* A self-motivated researcher
3. Postdoc opening on Nano-materials/structure for Lithium-Ion Battery
* Ph.D. in Engineering/Materials/Chemistry or any related field.
* Intensive research experience on development of novel nano-materials/structure.
* Hands-on experience on SEM, HRTEM, TEM, AFM and FTIR.
* Must be able to work independently with minimum supervision.
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