ESE-faculty-list Explanation of the OIGP Spring Reception

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Thu Feb 28 10:23:22 EST 2013

Another email about the OIGP Spring Reception - April 1st, but I want to explain a few things if you haven't taken the time to go to the website.  Please don't be mad at me for junking up your inbox. :)

1.       Poster/ Presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.)  Submission

You do not have to present a Poster.  You can do a PowerPoint if you would like.  Maybe some of you have a PowerPoint already put together of your research and you don't have to worry about the cost of printing a poster.

A 250-word abstract describing your project (be sure to include your Title!).

2.       The Awards -

Purdue Interdisciplinary Audience Choice Award

Determined by the attendees of the OIGP Spring Reception the day of the event.  The award consists of a certificate of recognition and a $250 prize.

1 award only for all the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs

Certificates of Excellence in Research

Judged by and ESE faculty member.

1 award for EACH of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs

Most Outstanding Interdisciplinary Project Award

The Most Outstanding Interdisciplinary Project Award (MOIPA) is a financial award given to a recipient and runner-up whose research is deemed, by a faculty panel, to be particularly interdisciplinary.

A project statement, 1000 words maximum - See the website for complete details.

NOTE - If you are not able to make the March 1st deadline (tomorrow), please let me know.  We may be able to give you the weekend to work on it and have it submitted by 8:00AM on Monday, March 4.

Thank you and Good Luck!
Christal Musser
Program Coordinator
Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
Purdue University
Young Hall, Room B-40
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
musser at<mailto:musser at><>

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