ESE-faculty-list Call for Abstracts: National Conference on "Advances on Environmental Science and Technology- Abstracts Due July 14th; Sept. 12-13th

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Thu Apr 18 19:59:31 EDT 2013

Call for Abstracts: National Conference on "Advances on Environmental Science and Technology- Abstracts Due July 14th; Sept. 12-13th

Call for Abstracts<>

North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, North Carolina

To provide a forum for USDOE, USEPA, NOAA, NSF, other Federal Agencies
Industrial Technology Users and Colleges/Universities to address advances
in environmental science and technology including problems, solutions
and research needs.

Topic Areas

Liquid and Solid Waste Management
Dr. Gudigopuram B. Reddy
Natural Resources

Fate and Transport of Contaminants
Dr. Shoou Yuh Chang
Civil Engineering

Sustainable Energy and Water Resources
Dr. Vinayak Kabadi
Chemical Engineering

Innovative Environmental Technologies and Sensors
Dr. Tanya Pinder

Global Climate Change
Dr. Keith Schimmel
Energy and Environmental Systems PhD Program

Disasters Preparedness
Environmental Justice
Dr. Regina Williams
Liberal Studies


Abstract Format
Abstract (350 words) should be written in English and typed single spaced (size 12 font).  Prepare abstract on a standard size white paper (8 1⁄2 in.  by 11 in.)  Leave 1 inch margins, left right, top and bottom.  Center the title (maximum 12 words, bold type, and all caps) at the top of the page, Leave one line space after the title and list all authors and their affiliations including city, state/province and country.  The name of the corresponding/presenting author should be underlined.  Leave one line space after the authors and begin the abstract text.  Leave one line space between paragraphs.  Do not indent paragraphs.

Submit abstracts and full papers electronically to Program Chairs (word

Abstract deadline is July 14, 2013
Full paper deadline is August 15, 2013
A copy of the proceedings will be distributed to all authors.
Full peer reviewed paper will be published by Springer (<>)

Abstract Submission Deadline: July 14, 2013

Full Paper Deadline: August 15, 2013

The instructions for book authors can be found here:

The layout instructions

Early Registration Deadline: August 15, 2013

Online Registration:

Exhibitors will be provided an exhibit table.
Make checks payable to North Carolina A&T State University (Memo: NCAEST)
Mail completed form and check to:
Patricia O’Connor, Director
North Carolina A&T State University
1601 E. Market Street Greensboro, NC 27455
Email: poconnor at<mailto:poconnor at>
Phone (336) 334-7607 Fax (336) 334-7081


The Waste Management Institute
DOE Samuel Massie Chair of Excellence Program
Energy and Environmental Systems
NASA Effective Global Climate Change Education and Research for Minorities
NASA-URC Center for Aviation Safety
NSF Crest Bioenergy Center
NSF REU Site: Collaborative Earth System Science Research (North Carolina A&T State University)
U.S. Department of Energy-Savannah River Site
U.S. Department of Energy-Headquarters
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Sullivan International Group
Waste Industries USA

Linda S. Lee
Purdue Univerity, Department of Agronomy, Professor of Environmental Chemistry, Associate Head
Ecological Science & Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Program Head,<>
3-363 Lilly Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Office: (765) 494-8612; Cell (765) 414-3086
lslee at<mailto:lslee at>

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