ESE-faculty-list 2012 ESE Symposium Poster Winners
Lee, Linda S
lslee at
Fri Oct 19 11:15:31 EDT 2012
ESE Faculty -
For your interest, below are this year's poster competition graduate and undergraduate winners in the 2012 ESE Symposium. This year's student-led symposium, Urban Rise: Footprints of a Global Civilization:
1st place - Title: Adaptive targeting of agricultural conservation through watershed modeling and farmer interviews
Author(s): Margaret Kalcic, Jane Frankenberger, Indrajeet Chaubey
2nd place - Title: Income Generating Service Learning Project at Tumaini Children's Drop-In Center for Street Children in Eldoret, Kenya
Author(s): Chelsea Pekny, Michelle Tharp, Rakhi Karwa, Samuel Kimani, Tim Mercer, Monica Miller, Sonak Pastakia, and Ellen Schellhase
3rd place - Title: A Survey of Beetle Predators along a Landscape Gradient
Author(s): Ashley L. Kissick and Dr. Jeff Holland
1st place - Title: Biomass Briquettes as a Small Business
Author(s): HannahJoy Pheasant
2nd place - Title: Evaluation of Energy Use & IAQ for Biowall in a home
Author(s): Zijie Qu and Daniel Newkirk
3rd place - Title: Co-exist: The polarization of fractal nodes within Philadelphia
Author(s): Nick Mitchell
The 2012 ESE Symposium planning committee
Nathan Shoaf
Lauren H. Logan
Christy Gibson
Fushcia Hoover
LaTonya Walker
Tolu Omotosu
Elin Karlsson
Katrin Eitrem Holmgren
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