ESE-faculty-list FW: Inspire IGP Event

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Fri Oct 5 13:59:49 EDT 2012

Greetings on behalf of the Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (OIGP)!

You (and your organization(s), friends, constituents, colleagues, and office mates) are cordially invited to Inspire IGP!  An event to kick off the OIGP's Initiative for Diversity & Inclusion. The Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (DILC) for OIGP will provide an informal atmosphere where the other phases of this initiative will be presented to the campus community as well as provide the opportunity for students, faculty, and staff across its 15 programs as well as campus centers, organizations, and resources to connect and engage one another.

The Need to Know Details:
Who: YOU and anyone else who cares about diversity, inclusion, and interdisciplinarity!
What: INSPIRE IGP reception
When: Wed, Oct. 17 4:30-5:30pm (RSVP to ogip at by OCT. 12!)
Where: PMU Anniversary Drawing Room
Why: Kickoff OIGP initiative, meet some wonderful people, learn some ways to engage in productive discussions about diversity and inclusion.

Please forward the attached flyer and this email to any individuals who you feel may be interested in attending our event and learning about our new initiative. Also, feel free to contact me or Dr. Colleen Gabauer at oigp at  for any questions, comments, or concerns. We're excited to see you there.

Aria S. Halliday
M.A. Student, American Studies
Graduate Assistant, Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council Purdue University

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