ESE-faculty-list Important FYI on a content change in an existing graduate course to accommodate bioremediation principles
Lee, Linda S
lslee at
Thu Nov 29 16:21:28 EST 2012
AGRY 582 offered odd years so this spring 2013 has the title 'Pesticide Degradation', HOWEVER, per need and student demand, the instructor Dr. Turco has decided to make a major content shift in the course to focus on "Biodegradation and Bioremediation". So this spring it will be taught with this new content and a course title change is in process.
Linda S. Lee
Ecological Science & Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Program Head<>
Professor, Environmental Chemistry,
Associate Head, Purdue University, Department of Agronomy
Crop Soil & Environmental Sciences
915 W. State Street, 3-363 Lilly Hall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Office: (765) 494-8612; Cell (765) 414-3086 Fax (765) 496-2926
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