ESE-faculty-list ESE Summer Social Activity

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Fri Jun 29 16:29:39 EDT 2012

Hello ESE students and faculty,
The summer is going by so quickly.  I'm beginning to plan the ESE Summer Social.
I have put together a doodle poll to see when is the best date and time to have the ESE social.  It will most likely be similar to last year, as we did a picnic at one of the nearby parks and we had games/activities for all to participate in.
Please go to the link and  fill in all the times you are available to attend.
Please completed the doodle poll by Friday, July 6th.

Thank you and have a great weekend!
Christal Musser
Program Coordinator
Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
Purdue University
Young Hall, Room 948
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
musser at<mailto:musser at><>

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