ESE-faculty-list Invite : Keystone Series - Keystone XL Pipeline

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Tue Feb 21 08:59:11 EST 2012

Have you been curious about the Keystone XL Pipeline proposal that keeps coming up in the news?  Would you like to be able to gather information and discuss the topic without worrying about who's "for" or "against" it?  We created the Ecological Sciences and Engineering Keystone Series to do just that.

The proposed pipeline spans 1,711 miles, crossing 7 states and 2 Canadian provinces on its way from the Canadian Oil Sands to the Gulf of Mexico; any project this large has complexities to consider from many different perspectives.  We welcome you to explore the topic with us at the upcoming interdisciplinary panel discussion hosting representatives from industry, natural resource management, economics, indigenous communities, and the media.

The Panel Discussion -

Monday, February 27th


Hall of Discovery Learning and Research (DLR 131)

5:30 PM Doors Open and Informal Reception

RSVP, learn more, or discover an array of online articles and resources:<>

Light refreshments offered

We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Ecological Sciences and Engineering Keystone Series Planning Team

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