ESE-faculty-list Now Accepting ESE Fellowship Nominations

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Wed Feb 15 20:23:59 EST 2012

ESE Fellowship Nominations

ESE has been given 3 fellowships of our own to decide and distribute (two ESE-Lynn PhDs that are 1+3; and one Andrews or Purdue Doctoral that are 2+2

A complete nomination includes:
*         A letter of nomination from the potential advisor (1 page).
*         A statement indicating how you plan to support the student for two or three additional years (depends on which fellowship), which can include other fellowships, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, or a combination thereof. Complete funding details are not required, but we need to know you are making the commitment to keep the student funded (assuming satisfactory progress, etc.).

Please send your application material electronically to Christal Musser (cc'd on this email)

Other details to access applications and updates:
SharePoint Site: Go to the ESE page ( and click on faculty log in (bottom right on our NEW website) or got directly to app site:

1.       When you Login you must put ONEPURDUE\ and then your log in name (same name and password as for all your other Purdue accounts)

2.       In the left column under "Site Hierarchy" go to the folder "ESE 2012".  A Snapshot spreadsheet (with a date) will be posted in in this general ESE 2012 folder for a quick review of applicants, which will include faculty listed in the application and additional faculty we think should review the folder based on potential overlapping interests.

3.       Files are in 2 folders: Complete files are in the subfolder 'Faculty review...' and other applications that will soon be complete are in the subfolder 'Preview...'.

We also still need applicant reviews - several of you have provided reviews via email, but it really helps for you to do it on the site. To do an Applicant Review (briefly answering a few questions), continue with the following steps:

4.       Click on the application to review it.

5.       Then submit your review by going to "2012 Applicant Review" near the top of the right column. Then click on "Respond to Survey" (on upper bar), which will pull up a simple review sheet with a minimal number of entries and questions.

Linda S. Lee
Ecological Science & Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Program Head<>
Professor, Environmental Chemistry,
Associate Head, Purdue University, Department of Agronomy
Crop Soil & Environmental Sciences
915 W. State Street, 3-363 Lilly Hall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Office: (765) 494-8612; Cell (765) 414-3086  Fax (765) 496-2926

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