ESE-faculty-list Opportunity to help with a follow-up of a Purdue Winter Service Learning Project in Haiti
Lee, Linda S
lslee at
Wed Apr 4 06:45:52 EDT 2012
FYI since I know many of you like to participate in such causes and love your coffee! A great opportunity to get some unique and very good coffee from Haiti for yourself and (or) for love ones while helping some students here at Purdue making a difference in the lives of many Haitians who are living in rural sectors of Northern part of Haiti.
You can purchase this coffee at If you enter "Purdue Heifer International Haiti" in the charity code section, the Purdue class responsible for the Purdue effort will receive $4.50 for every bag someone orders online. This money will be sent to Purdue Heifer International Club who will then use it to help our partner Heifer International projects in northern Haiti.
Additional details on this effort and the trip the students took are in the attached file.
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