ESE-faculty-list Recent Awards received by ESE Students

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Mon Mar 7 10:41:56 EST 2011

Please join me in congratulating Matt and Caitlin in their recent awards.

Matt Stensberg was awarded 3rd place for his work on silver nanotoxicity in Daphnia at the 2011 Institute for Biological Engineering annual meeting in Atlanta Georgia.

Caitlin Grady was awarded an Across Borders Fellowship to spend the summer in Israel and Palestine from the Department of State and Dickenson University.


Linda S. Lee
Ecological Science & Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Program Head
Professor, Environmental Chemistry,
Purdue University, Department of Agronomy
Crop Soil & Environmental Sciences
915 W. State Street, 3-363 Lilly Hall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Office: (765) 494-8612; Fax (765) 496-2926

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