[Epics-india] Extraordinary work done in ARMS 1098

Martinez, Jorge L mart1419 at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 4 13:22:05 EST 2020

The College of Engineering has hired a contractor to install new banners in ARMS 1098 (Project Prototyping Lab), which would be seen from the Atrium.  The work would require moving all projects away from the windows facing the Atrium.  This would likely prevent having reasonable safe space to work in the area during the installation of the aforementioned banners.

For that reason, and thinking on the safety of our students, sections of the Project Prototyping Lab in ARMS 1098 will be cordoned (with CAUTION yellow tape) to limit access during the time installation is in progress.  At this point, work is programmed to begin on Thursday (Feb 6) and may extend until Friday (Feb 7).

I apologize for the inconveniences.  We will do our best to keep access open to the eight (8) team lockers in the area.  Please refrain to work in areas cordoned with CAUTION tape.


Jorge Martinez, PE
EPICS Lab Manager
Purdue University | Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1210
701 West Stadium Ave  West Lafayette, IN  47907
+1 765 494 0629 | +1 574 214 9450  (mobile)
mart1419 at purdue.edu<mailto:mart1419 at purdue.edu> | https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS

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