[Epics-india] Ford Challenge Voting Ends Tomorrow. Support EPICS today!

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 30 15:54:18 EDT 2019

Voting ends tomorrow at 5 PM. Help support the EPICS Lakota team and vote now!

EPICS Friends and Family,

We have an exciting opportunity for one of our EPICS partnerships with the Oglala Lakota College (OLC) at Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.  Our team is working with students from OLC and South Dakota School of Mines and Technology on the issue of food sovereignty.  We have an opportunity to attain additional funding for the project form on-line voting.  Our project is one of four competing for the additional funding.

Start voting today! You can vote each day for our project through October 1, 2019.   Please encourage your friends, family and networks to vote as well.


On behalf of the Lakota Team and EPICS, thank you for your support.

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