[Epics-india] EPICS Team India- Grant Application

Oakes, William C. oakes at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 4 16:31:44 EDT 2019

I’m baffled why this was not part of the design review discussion.  It would be a huge problem if the grant didn’t get resubmitted.   I think this is the contact.   The team leadership needs to get this grant in

Prof. Anupam Singhal
Department of Civil Engineering
BITS Pilani
Pilani, Rajasthan , India

Anupam Singhal, Ph.D., F.I.E.

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering


Birla Institute of Technology & Science,Pilani

Pilani Campus

Pilani 333031, Rajasthan, India

Phone: +91 9460165829<tel:+91%209460165829>; 01596-515516<tel:01596-515516>
Email: anupam_singhal at pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in<mailto:anupam_singhal at pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in>
Profile Page: http://universe.bits-pilani.ac.in/pilani/anupamsinghal/profile

William Oakes, PE
150th Anniversary Professor
Director, EPICS Program
Professor, Engineering Education
oakes at purdue.edu<mailto:oakes at purdue.edu>

On Oct 4, 2019, at 4:07 PM, Talapaneni, Vivek <vtalapan at purdue.edu<mailto:vtalapan at purdue.edu>> wrote:

Dear Mr. Oakes,

           I’m writing in regards to the grant that the water filtration team has been pursuing. The grant application is due tonight, and the application requires the contact information of the faculty member supervising the BITS Pilani team. However, while Mrigank has messaged the BITS Pilani team multiple times asking for such information, the only response they have offered is that they have sent the contact information to you. We wanted to check if you had the relevant information. If not, due to this lack of cooperation we have seen on this front from our BITS Pilani counterparts, the team has decided that, barring any additional progress, the grant should be pursued at a future point in time rather than this semester.


Vivek Talapaneni

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