[Epics-india] Design Review Invitations

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 12 13:37:56 EST 2019

Hi Teams,

With design review coming up next week, many of you have extended invitations to your community partners, mentors, or other guest reviewers. If you haven't sent those invitations yet, you will need to do so this week. If you need to find your project partner's contact info, you can find it by visiting MyEPICS, clicking 'View Team Members', and opening the Print View.

To facilitate parking passes and lunches for your design reviewers, please direct them to register for design review at https://maillinks.purdue.edu/t/38324497/962993420/81829720/1/83631/?x=18e6ab87. Remember that remote reviews are also available and convenient through GoToMeeting. Reviewers that complete registration will receive details on how to login.

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