[Epics-india] EPICS Reminders

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 11 14:34:17 EDT 2019

A Few Midweek Reminders
Design Documents - All should be turned in by the end of the day of your lab this week.

*         A PDF of the design documents should be submitted by the end of day that your lab is held to give our design reviewers time to read them.

*         You can continue to update and overwrite the document throughout the semester.

*         Upload instructions: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/teams/team-documents/design-doc-upload-instructions

Design Reviews - April 16-19

*         Dress code is business casual or better.

*         Plan to use the podium PC, not your personal laptop. Preferably bring your presentation on a flash drive.

*         Do not log in/out of the podium PC with your personal account.

*         Leave the GoToMeeting session on and do not adjust the screen sharing.

*         Teams are responsible for inviting their community partners and any guest reviewers from on-campus (faculty, etc.).

o   Be sure to let the EPICS office know which guests are coming so we can get them parking passes

EPICS Awards - April 15, 4PM, Spurgeon Club in Mackey Arena

*         Join us for cookies, coffee, a fun celebration of your success this year

*         Suggested dress code is business casual

Miller and Chevron Scholarships - Due May 1

*         Two scholarship opportunities are available and are exclusive to EPICS students that will be returning for the fall semester.

*         The Miller scholarship is available to any EPICS student and is valued at $1,000.

*         Chevron scholarship is open to any EPICS student but with preference to those with interest in careers in the energy industry and is valued at $2,000.

*         The attached Scholarship application may be used for either scholarship.

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