[Epics-india] EPICS India: Design Review Week

Zaina Mae El-Demerdash zeldemer at purdue.edu
Sat Sep 29 16:26:11 EDT 2018

Hey team!

This is the week...design review week. We're going to kill it! There's a lot of important information, so please read this entire email carefully.

Please get to lab by 8:00am this Friday to set up and prepare. If you have a conflict and can't be there early, let me know.

Mock presentations

BITS: Tuesday (10/2) at 8:00pm in ARMS1098C

RuTAG: Wednesday (10/3) at 6:00pm in ARMS3115

IITTP: Wednesday (10/3) at 7:30pm in ARMS1098B


Please use this<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ePYQSLGcUSDsAlhcePRbURciFDb3bQk0gHF0tdPqkSg/edit#slide=id.p> common presentation and add your slides. Try to keep the same theme for continuity sake! I also made a bunch of template slides that you can use to structure your presentation. They're just a suggestion - do whatever makes sense for your project. If you do use the template slides, just copy/paste them under your team's section.

Presenting order

Fill this out <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jmXJgZhUbZ5_N3iURbljt5jx3kYNPNyiT_vAqsZyFic/edit#gid=0> (FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE) to pick the order you want to present (write your team name down next to first, second, or last.

Grants ($$$)

If your team is applying for a grant, fill out the application<https://slg.engagement.purdue.edu/> BY OCTOBER 5th (Friday). Let me or Constantine know if you have any questions.

PIGs: No PIGs this week

I know this is a crazy week and everyone's busy with exams, but let's kill this design review and then enjoy Fall break!


Zaina El-Demerdash

Purdue University | School of Industrial Engineering

Purdue Society of Women Engineers | Outreach Committee Chair
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