[Epics-india] EPICS India: Week 4

Zaina Mae El-Demerdash zeldemer at purdue.edu
Fri Sep 14 11:13:55 EDT 2018

Hello everyone!

Now that we have teams and project partners, we can start finding and working on projects.

Some notes for this week (I know it's a lot, but please read through everything!)...

Team Google drive folder

I made a folder<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YOKKXR65QbWK_QbGM2zjREHart3WsQ4M?usp=sharing>  to keep everything in one place until we transfer it over to Sharepoint. In here, you'll find the presentations we've been doing these past few weeks, PIGs, and folders for each team. Your team doesn't have to use it, but it's there if you want!


>From now on, we will be doing PIGs (progress, issues, goals) every week. Each week, I'll create a new presentation for everyone to add their slides to and put it in the Google drive. It's the design lead's responsibility to make sure their team does PIGs every week.

Design Leads / Project Partner Liaisons

Each team needs to nominate someone to be their design lead and project partner liaison (it can be the same person). Here's a description of each role from the EPICS website...

Design lead: Role that oversees the project design and responsible for facilitating the project through all aspects of the design process.

Project partner liaison: Team member selected to be the main point of contact between the team and the project partner.

Make sure you fill out the survey in the google drive BY Thursday, September 20th at 11:59pm.


Since we finally have teams, we will be taking pictures of all of your lovely faces next week during lab. Just giving you a heads up (the pictures will most probably end up on the website)!

Notebook checks

Notebook checks are this week so make sure to get everything in and updated in your notebook by TONIGHT.

Things to keep updated: weekly reflections, work and accomplishments (eg. pictures of prototypes, meeting notes, research, etc.)

Team meetings / communication

Let me know when your team plans on meeting this week. I'll try to stop in and make sure everyone's on the right track and so we can make progress!

I suggest making a GroupMe (or apparently snapchat group I guess???) so that everyone in your group is on the same page.

I think that's it from me — have a great weekend!


Zaina El-Demerdash

Purdue University | School of Industrial Engineering

Purdue Society of Women Engineers | Outreach Committee Chair
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