[Epics-india] FW: may miss connecting in lab

Oakes, William C. oakes at purdue.edu
Thu Nov 29 16:16:19 EST 2018

I couldn't type on my first try, here is the email I sent out earlier.  I will likely miss lab.  Please at least send me summaries.  I can answer questions over email and could connect until 10:30 tonight, Thursday.  I'm back in the country on Monday.  Sorry, actually traveling in India and talking about your projects!

Prof. William Oakes, PE
Email: oakes at purdue.edu<mailto:oakes at purdue.edu>
Mobile: +1-765-418-8029,

From: Oakes, William C.
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 3:32 PM
To: Constantine J Roros <croros at purdue.edu>; aceman303 at gmail.com; 'Zaina M El-Demerdash' <zeldemer at purdue.edu>; 'epics-india at ecn.purdue.ecu' <epics-india at ecn.purdue.ecu>
Subject: may miss connecting in lab

My travel plans here in India got changed and I may be on a plane during lab and won't be able to log in. I am very sorry.  I am available for calls on Skype until 10:30 tonight, Thursday.  I am back very late Sunday night and will be in all next week. I am happy to meet or connect during the week.

For the design reviews, it is important to tell the story of where we are at and how we got here.  Zaina or someone will give an overview of what we did to get started and how these are all new projects.  Each team should highlight how their partner is - include if they are staff or students and if they are in a class or under professor supervision.  Each is different.  The path to get to where you are now is as important as where you are at in the process.  Talk about the steps you took to get to where you are.  Conclusions or results at this point should be preliminary pending feedback from the review.

After the review, each team needs to compile the comments and make recommendations for how to start the next semester.  This should be uploaded to sharepoint and we will look for it when we do grading.  That means meeting after lab before you all leave, in person or virtually.

Your design documents and the design review slides will be looked at and shared with many institutions.  Water and education projects are coming up as opportunities at multiple colleges here during my visits and other colleges are interested so make the high quality.

Let me know when you are going to practice.  I am in town all week and have openings.  Evenings on Monday there is a TA dinner and on Wednesday I have Orbital and EWB 5:30-8 pm.  If I can make the practice I would like to but if you need to meet a time when I can't, let me see the slides and I can comment.

You have done a great job this semester and please finish well so we can reward you with the proper grades!

Prof. Oakes

William Oakes, PE
150th Anniversary Professor
Director, EPICS Program
Prof., Engineering Education

EPICS Program
Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 W. Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN   47907-2045

Email: oakes at purdue.edu<mailto:oakes at purdue.edu>
Mobile: +1-765-418-8029,
office: +1-765-494-3892,
Fax: +1-765-494-0052

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