[Epics-india] Carpet cleaning in Armstrong and EPICS rooms

Martinez, Jorge L mart1419 at purdue.edu
Thu Nov 8 17:12:17 EST 2018

Dear EPICS students,
My apologies for the short notice and service interruption.  During the next few days, we will interrupt access to some of the labs to allow custodial and maintenance personnel to complete carpet cleaning.  The schedule is as follows:

*         Tonight (11/8/18 from 5:30pm through 8:00am) - Computer Lab (ARMS 1095) and Meeting Room (ARMS 1101)

*         Tuesday (11/13/18 from 5:30pm through 8:30am) - Meeting rooms ARMS 1098 B and C
Please plan to use other areas for meetings and work.


Jorge Martinez
EPICS Lab Manager
Purdue University | Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1210
701 West Stadium Ave  West Lafayette, IN  47907
+1 765 494 0629 | +1 574 214 9450  (mobile)
mart1419 at purdue.edu<mailto:mart1419 at purdue.edu> | https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS

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