[Epics-india] Fw: meeting this week

Kelsey N Welch welch4 at purdue.edu
Fri Mar 23 09:07:08 EDT 2018

Here is the email.

Kelsey Welch, E.I.T.

Candidate for Masters of Science in Civil Engineering Structures

EPICS Graduate Teaching Assistant

From: Oakes, William C. <oakes at purdue.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 9:03 PM
To: epics-india at ecn.purdue.ecu
Cc: Claire A Sigworth; Kelsey N Welch
Subject: meeting this week

I will be on a plane during your lab on Friday.  I am available during the day on your Thursday if there are any questions.  Can we find a time to meet next week so I can get caught up.  Maybe I buy dinner for the team, Tuesday or Wednesday?  TA’s are welcome.  Let me know is that would work.

Prof. Oakes


William Oakes, PE

Director, EPICS Program

Prof., Engineering Education

EPICS Program

Armstrong Hall of Engineering

701 W. Stadium Avenue

West Lafayette, IN   47907-2045

Email: oakes at purdue.edu<mailto:oakes at purdue.edu>

Mobile: 765-418-8029,

office: 765-494-3892,

Fax: 765-494-0052

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