[Epics-india] PDH Announcement: Implementing Scrum - Tomorrow

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 29 14:35:17 EST 2018

Agile and Scrum methodologies have transformed the ways projects are run in Industry in recent years, and a working knowledge of how to practice these methods would be invaluable to your careers and to your EPICS teams. Ankit Maewall, a senior on the ISBVI team, has had great success implementing scrum techniques on his EPICS project, and will be sharing his experiences and teaching the basics of scrum in a new series of PDHs starting TOMORROW. Sign up in MyEPICS to attend.

What: Implementing Agile
Where: ARMS 1095
When: Tomorrow, Jan 30 at 5 pm
Worth: One PDH per session
Who: For any EPICS student, but especially for design leads and PMs.

Andrew Pierce
EPICS Academic Administrator
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1209
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Email: pierce1 at purdue.edu<mailto:pierce1 at purdue.edu>
Phone: (765) 414-2107

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